What is coaching, really!?

I have observed the positive impact that a coaching intervention can have on my own developmental journey and the developmental journeys of my fellow human Beings.

My work typically involves two categories of individuals who benefit from coaching. The first category includes those in a privileged position who can afford to invest in a facilitated developmental journey. The second category comprises those whose developmental journey is supported by a vested institution. In both cases, the facilitated developmental journey significantly enhances their emotional and spiritual intelligence.

Coaching builds upon a long history of the helpful friend tradition. It is complementary to therapeutic interventions in that it facilitates the exploration of the inner self. In doing so, it brings the inner self into awareness and builds the capacity for the inner self to be mindfully, compassionately, and empathetically with others and in the world.

Coaching differentiates itself from other therapeutic interventions, focusing less on healing the “broken self” and more on empowering the “celebrated self”. That is, coaching is forward-focused; it's about bringing attention to the spark of light that shines in each of us and nurturing that Light to the forefront of our being. The guiding principles are that a client takes responsibility for the work and that the client wants to engage with the work. The coach assumes that the client is entirely creative, whole and resourceful.

Though coaching-based interventions may alleviate some moderate mental health problems like anxiety or depression by getting people “unstuck,” they do not pretend to be the appropriate intervention for resolving severe trauma, clinical mental health challenges, or addiction-related crises. More focused specialised interventions might be better suited.

As a coach, the role is not to provide answers but to hold space for the client's thoughts and to facilitate their thinking when necessary. Coaching is a facilitated conversation where the coach helps the client generate, expand on, and integrate insights. These insights may help the client 'let go' of things that do not serve them and 'crystallise' things that do. The coach facilitates this inquiry through open-ended questioning, silence, and the use of self.

At the practical end of the spectrum, coaching may help individuals clarify their goals, explore and narrow down options, make decisions, and commit to actions. This coaching develops the client’s capacity to “Do in the world.”

At the other end of the spectrum, coaching may help individuals understand and develop their meaning-making. Meaning-making is how a person makes sense of the world as they move through it. We find that as individuals mature towards more complex mechanisms for making sense of the world, they shift from a desire— and fear-based outlook towards a more interconnected, compassionate, empathetic, and purpose-based outlook. Coaching develops our capacity to “Be” in the world.

Coaching and Spiritual development

Coaching as a practice does not assume the existence of Spirit and does not force the Spiritual life at the forefront of the human experience. True to my Quaker tradition, the developmental journey is a profoundly personal experience. Individuals are invited to move at their own pace within a supportive container towards a personal destination. A coach’s role is not to signpost the direction of enquiry but rather to help deepen the enquiry. In the container that coaching provides, a client may find something they may frame as ‘Light’. Others may find in the experience something they may frame as Clarity, Direction, or Purpose. As a developmental companion, the coach does not assume a universal or absolute developmental outcome.

Example enquiries

The following list serves as examples of enquiries that have emerged in my practice:

  1. Outcomes focused: “I need to move house, I feel overwhelmed, I don’t know where to start?”.
  2. Interpersonal dynamics: “My boss doesn’t listen to me”.
  3. Personal focused: “I don’t feel like I am showing up for my relationship”.
  4. Vison and mission-focused: “I don’t know what I want to do with my life”.
  5. Career-focused: “I feel stuck in my job”.
  6. Transition focused: “I am retiring soon; I don’t know what I will do with myself”.
  7. Activist focused: “I am troubled by the state of the world, and I want to participate?”
  8. Family-focused: “My kids seem to be becoming delinquents; what do I do?”.

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