Notes on Neural Networks

Neural networks imitate the cognitive function of the brain to approximate intelligent machines1. The neuron, shown in the figure below, is the fundamental building block of the human brain. The neuron is a special type of cell that processes and transmits information electrochemically. Individually each neuron receives nerve impulses from preceding connected neurons through connections called dendrites. Each input received is amplified or reduced according to the receiving neuron's learned sensitivity to inputs originating from each connected sender neuron. Within the cell body, the adjusted input signals are aggregated and an output signal is calculated. The output signal is transmitted on the axon. The axon in turn is the connection point for multiple successive neurons.

A biological neuron
A biological neuron

The ability of the human brain to encode knowledge is realized by signals sent within a complex network of roughly 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to several thousand other neurons2. Each neuron's ability to alter its sensitivity to the various inputs it receives contributes a tiny bit to the overall network's computational capacity.

Artificial neural networks originated from attempts to mimic the learning ability of the human brain3. In this section artificial neural networks are introduced. The first subsection outlines the perceptron and the multilayer perceptron neural network model. The second subsection introduces the back propagation algorithm, a parameter optimization method used to induce neural network classifiers. The third subsection introduces the concept of over fitting, as well as techniques that can be used to prevent over fitting. The last subsection lists advantages and disadvantages of MLP neural network classifiers.

Perceptrons and multilayer perceptrons

In the same manner as the human brain, an artificial neural network is composed of nodes connected by directed network links4. The net-input uju_j to some node jj is computed by combining the input signals x1x_1 to xrx_r in a weighted sum and adding a node bias θj-\theta_j. This is,

uj=i=1rwijxiθju_j = \sum_{i=1}^{r}w_{ij}x_i - \theta_j

where the connection weight from input node ii to node jj is wijw_{ij} and the bias is θj\theta_j. By introducing an extra dummy input signal x0jx_{0j} equal to one, the combination function can be written as5

uj=i=0rwijxiu_j = \sum_{i=0}^{r}w_{ij}x_i

with w0j=θjw_{0j}=-\theta_j.

The node output aja_j is 11 if the net-input uju_j is greater than or equal to 00, else the node output is 00. This hard limit function, or step function, can be written as

aj={0ifuj<0i=1rwijxi<θj1ifuj0i=1rwijxiθj}.a_j = \begin{Bmatrix} 0 & \text{if}& u_j < 0 \Rightarrow \sum_{i=1}^{r}w_{ij}x_i < \theta_j \\ 1 & \text{if} & u_j \ge 0 \Rightarrow \sum_{i=1}^{r}w_{ij}x_i \ge \theta_j \\ \end{Bmatrix}.

Such a node, called a perceptron, is depicted in the figure below.

The perceptron
The perceptron

A feed-forward neural network is composed of multiple perceptrons interconnected in such a way as to allow the output of one perceptron to be the input to another perceptron5. The connections in a feed-forward network only allow signals to pass in one direction. Specifically, the multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network is the most widely studied and used feed-forward neural network model3. Such a neural network is structured as three or more distinct layers: an input layer, one or more hidden layers, and an output layer. Each layer constitutes a set of nodes, with nodes from different layers being highly interconnected in a feed-forward manner: All nodes from the input layer are connected to all nodes in the first hidden layer, all nodes in the first hidden layer are connected to all nodes in the second hidden layer, and so forth, until all nodes in the last hidden layer are connected to all nodes in the output layer. The neural network maintains a vector of connection weights used to adjust the input signal as it propagates through the network towards the output layer. The structure of a three-layer MLP neural network is shown in the figure below.

The multilayer perceptron neural network

This MLP neural network receives r+1r+1 input signals at the input layer nodes. The input vector xRr+1\vec{x} \in R^{r+1} represents the rr input features x1x_1 to xrx_r and the bias signal x0x_0 set equal to one. The input signal is propagated forward to JJ hidden layer nodes. Each hidden layer node functions like a perceptron. The node input is computed as the weighted sum of inputs received from all preceding nodes. That is uj=i=0rwijxiu_j = \sum_{i=0}^{r}w_{ij}x_i where wijw_{ij} is the weight of the connection between input node xix_i and hidden node zjz_j.

The hidden layer's output is computed by passing the weighted sum of inputs uju_j through an activation function fh(uj)f^h(u_j). This activation function can be any monotonically increasing function, such as the symmetric sigmoid function6,

zj=fh(uj)=tanh(uj)=1+e2uj1e2uj.z_j = f^h(u_j) = \tanh(u_j) = \frac{1+e^{-2u_j}}{1-e^{-2u_j}}.

The output of the hidden layer is a vector zRJ+1\vec{z} \in R^{J+1} with the bias signal z0z_0 set to one. The vector z\vec{z} supplies inputs to the output layer with LL nodes.

Similar to the nodes in the hidden layer, each output layer node functions like a perceptron. Input signals from the hidden layer nodes are combined in a weighted sum ul=j=0Jwjlzju_l = \sum_{j=0}^{J}w_{jl} z_j where wjlw_{jl} is the weight of the connection from hidden node zjz_j to output layer node y^l\hat{y}_l. The output layer produces a vector y^RL\hat{\vec{y}} \in R^{L}. Each output node produces output y^l\hat{y}_l by passing the weighted sum of inputs ulu_l through a monotonically increasing activation function fo(ul)f^o(u_l). For example, a logistic activation function can be used,

y^l=fo(ul)=11+eul.\hat{y}_l = f^o(u_l) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-u_l}}.

The entire MLP model can be represented as the following non-linear function,

y^l=hl(w,x)=fo(j=0Jwjlfh(i=0rwijxi))\hat{y}_l = h_l(\vec{w},\vec{x}) = f^o(\sum_{j=0}^{J} w_{jl} f^h(\sum_{i=0}^{r} w_{ij}x_i))

for output l=1Ll=1 \dots L, where fhf^h and f0f^0 are the activation functions in the output layer and hidden layer respectively, and wRJ(r+1)+L(J+1)\vec{w}\in R^{J(r+1)+L(J+1)} is the vector of connection weights4.

Each connection weight www \in \vec{w} is used to adjust the input signal as it propagates through the network towards the output layer. By maintaining a weight for each connection in the network, a signal originating from a node can be very important in generating the output of one node and unimportant in generating the output of another node. It is through this process of connection specific signal weighting that a neural network has its predictive power. It has been shown that a three-layer MLP neural network with enough hidden layer nodes can approximate any continuous function with any desired degree of accuracy7.

The process in which the optimal weights vector w{\vec{w}}^* is determined, hence the way the network ``learns", is commonly referred to as network training. The back propagation algorithm is a popular technique used for network training. Gaining a general understanding of this algorithm is important due to its significance in neural network literature and because it is used in the empirical study of this dissertation. The back propagation algorithm is outlined in the next subsection.




  1. Ramlall, I., 2010. Artifcial intelligence: Neural networks simplifed. InternationalResearch Journal of Finance and Economics (39), 105-120.

  2. Olson, D. L., Shi, Y., 2006. Introduction to Business Data Mining. Irwin-McGraw-Hill Series: Operations and Decision Sciences. McGraw-Hill.

  3. Zhang, G. P., 2010. Neural Networks For Data Mining. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook. 2nd Edition. Springer Science and Business Media, Ch. 12, pp. 419-444. 2

  4. Russel, S., Novig, P., 2010. Artifcial Intelligence: A modern approach, 3rd Edition. Pearson. 2

  5. Bishop, C. M., 1995. Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. Oxford University Press. 2

  6. Steeb, W. H., 2005. The Nonlinear Workbook: Chaos, Fractals, Cellular Automata, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Gene Expression Programming, Support Vector Machine, Wavelets, Hidden Markov Models, Fuzzy Logic with C++, Java and Symbolic++ Programs, 3rd Edition. World Scientific.

  7. Hornik, K., Stinchcombe, M., White, H., 1989. Multilayer feedforward networks are universal approximators. Neural networks 2 (5), 359-366.

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emerging technologydata and decision scienceneural networks